Does gender affect height?

by   |   Apr 18, 2024

Have you ever compared yourself to other peers and wondered why they seem so much taller than you? It is a common observation that most male friends, on average, tend to have a higher average height than their counterparts. Why is this the case? Gender also plays a role in an individual’s final height; however, the factor regarding gender is not the whole story. In this article, we will delve deeper into this captivating aspect and enrich your knowledge with broader insights into the combination of biological, environmental, and genetic factors – all contributing to your eventual stature.

Biological Factors Influencing Height

Genetics Factor

Genetics are known for their profound influence on an individual’s height, with a suggested 60-80 percent of height variation within a population being determined by genetic agents.

Unlike some traits controlled by a single gene, height is known as a polygenic trait. That means it is mainly influenced by the combined effects of multiple genes inherited from both parents. These genetic factors include many genes, with each contributing a cumulative small effect to the collective performance toward your final height.

As you may know, parental height is a strong predictor of an individual’s vertical extent. Parents with taller stature are believed to have children with a relatively taller height, compared to those whose parents have shorter stature.

Nevertheless, while parental height is a significant factor, it does not determine the child’s height with absolute accuracy. Rather, these genes help to contribute to genetic predisposition for height within a range. Because height-influencing genes inherited from parents are complex and follow polygenic patterns, a child’s height is the result of the specified genetic combination between his or her mom and dad.

Growth Plates: The Building Blocks of Long Bones

To begin with, let’s lay a comprehensive foundation about growth plates, without which the lengthening process of long bones would be impossible.

During the days of adolescence, the long bones have not yet become solid since they have special areas called growth plates that are still active. These growth plates are made of cartilage, a flexible tissue allowing bone longitudinal process. With the support of growth hormones in the pituitary gland, these cartilage cells constantly multiply and expand within the growth plates. Afterward, they are gradually replaced by new bone tissue, called ossification, allowing your long bones to lengthen.

During puberty and growth spurt, the surge of sex hormones, including estrogen and testosterone, takes place. As a result, these hormones play a crucial role in signaling the growth plates to fuse and close. Once the growth plates are fused, your bones will no longer be able to grow in length.

The timing and activity of growth plate development are coded mainly by genetic factors. Some genes are responsible for setting earlier or later fusion, which means they could impact how long the growth plate activation lasts for bone development.

Hormonal Orchestra: How Sex Hormones Conduct Growth and Height

While genes spark a highlight for its main determinant of height, other factors, such as the regulation of sex hormones, are also crucial for directing the growth process during puberty in individuals. You can only promote your maximum height potential as long as the growth plates are still active.

Both girls and boys have sex hormones, herein estrogen and testosterone, in their bodies. However, the level of each separate hormone depends on the gender of an individual. These hormones are pivotal in sexual development and bone growth.

During childhood, the levels of estrogen and testosterone are the same for both genders. However, puberty sheds a significant shift in the hormonal landscape, reflected through the exponential surge in the level of each hormone that is ready for the growth spurt period. Commonly, this stage occurs between ages 8 and 13 in girls and 10 and 14 in boys.

Estrogen: can be seen as a ‘female’ hormone with a larger amount of estrogen being secreted during the puberty period of girls. On one hand, estrogen contributes to the acceleration of the growth plate closure. Therefore, girls are observed to experience earlier growth fusion than their male peers and subsequently reach their peak height sooner.

Testosterone: or a ‘male’ hormone released significantly during boys’ puberty. On the other hand, testosterone delays the closure of growth plates, leading to a long growth window for boys who are observed to possess a more significant growth spurt. Consequently, boys typically have their bones grow longer than girls and taller stature than girls due to the later rise in testosterone levels.


Does Gender Affect Height?

The answer is true. On average, men are more likely to be taller than women. This variation in height between two genders is largely influenced by specific height-related genes inherited from parents.

Hormonal differences are not exceptional in this stance as well. Particularly, hormonal regulation in the duration of puberty plays a vital role in determining the differences in height of males and females. Despite the later occurrence of growth spurts, boys often experience longer growth windows than girls with more significant growth spurt impacts. However, you should bear in mind that individual variations exist, so not all boys have taller stature than girls.

Beyond Gender: A Multifaceted Look at Height

Last but not least, genetics and hormonal changes are not the sole determinants of height, but factors like nutrition, environmental and socioeconomic backgrounds, healthy lifestyles, and overall health help create a complete picture of a stature.

To maximize your genetically predefined height and optimal bone growth, you should ensure adequate nutritional intakes rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, Calcium, and Protein. Calcium acts as a building block supporting bone mineral density to avoid the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Meanwhile, protein provides a series of amino acids to build and repair tissues, including bone. Lastly, lack of vitamin D hinders calcium absorption and overall bone development. In general, nutritional deficiencies will cause children malnutrition and stunted growth both horizontally and vertically.

Besides, make sure your teenage child goes through regular check-ups for prompt treatment of illnesses to guarantee proper growth and development. Children from low-income families; however, tend to get limited access to nutritious foods, quality healthcare services, and a safe living environment. Therefore, they are more likely to become susceptible to underlying medical conditions, malnutrition, and other potential factors hindering bone growth.

To maintain the overall well-being of adolescents, healthy sleep patterns and age-appropriate physical exercises should be adopted from early days under close supervision of the parents or guardians.

In conclusion

Height is a complex outcome influenced by a synergy of factors. Besides genetics and sex hormones which are hardly replaceable, environmental agents, including nutrition, healthcare access, and healthy lifestyles, could engender substantial impacts. Understanding these multifaceted influences can do wonders for shaping your optimal future stature.

How to grow taller


Joy Bauer is a renowned physician and nutrition expert who has dedicated her career to helping people live healthier, happier lives. With over two decades of experience in the field of health and wellness, Dr. Bauer has become one of the most trusted voices in the industry.

One of Dr. Bauer’s areas of expertise is in the field of height growth. She has worked with numerous patients over the years who were looking to increase their height naturally, and has developed a range of effective strategies and techniques to help them achieve their goals. Dr. Bauer firmly believes that a healthy diet and lifestyle are essential for optimal growth and development. She works closely with her patients to develop personalized nutrition plans that are tailored to their unique needs and goals, incorporating nutrient-dense foods and supplements that support healthy bone growth and development.

In addition to her work in height growth, Dr. Bauer is also a leading expert in weight loss, disease prevention, and overall wellness. She is a regular contributor to popular media outlets such as The Today Show, The Dr. Oz Show, and Good Morning America, sharing her expertise with a wide audience.

If you’re seeking a passionate physician committed to helping you live your best life, look no further than Dr. Joy Bauer. With her expertise, compassion, and dedication to excellence, she is the ideal partner for anyone striving to achieve their health and wellness goals.

The website HowToGrowTaller was created to provide effective guidance and support to individuals seeking to increase their height naturally. Dr. Joy Bauer recognized that many people feel self-conscious or insecure about their height, and that there is a great deal of misinformation surrounding natural height growth.

With HowToGrowTaller, Dr. Bauer aimed to create a comprehensive resource that would equip individuals with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to achieve their height goals. The website offers a wide range of resources, including nutrition plans, exercise routines, and other proven strategies designed to support healthy growth and development.

One of the key advantages of HowToGrowTaller is that it serves as a one-stop-shop for all things related to height growth. Instead of spending countless hours researching different strategies and techniques, individuals can access everything they need in one convenient location.

The overarching goal of HowToGrowTaller is to help individuals feel more confident and empowered in their bodies. By providing them with the resources and support they need to grow taller naturally, Dr. Bauer hopes to help people achieve their height goals and improve their overall quality of life.

Researcher Locations: 33 Whitehall Street, New York Email:

Education & Training Fellowship: Pediatric Psychology – Nemours Children’s Clinic – Jacksonville, 2003 Internship: Child Psychology – University of Florida, 2002 Board Certifications: American Board of Professional Psychology

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