Does jogging make you taller?

by   |   Jun 18, 2024

In the pursuit of physical and mental well-being, many people usually come up with the question of whether the specific type of activity being adopted would align better with their aspirational goals or not. It is also the same in the case of jogging. Individuals are wondering if there are any potential benefits of jogging imposed towards their improved vertical growth. Do not hesitate to examine this problem on the filter of scientific evidence.

What is Jogging?

Jogging, a form of aerobic or mid-intensity cardio exercise, is often described as a milder alternative to running. In the course of jogging, athletes will be trotting or running at a much slower pace for an extended period compared to that of running. This pace of activities allows joggers to maintain steady movement while requiring less exertion.

Jogging is widely known for many benefits, such as improved cardiovascular health, weight management, strengthened muscles, stress reduction, and better overall well-being. Besides, one of the primary reasons for its widespread popularity is because of its simplicity and accessibility which made it a top-tier choice for people of all ages, genders, and fitness levels.

In other words, it is easy to take up jogging since you can kick off your workout conveniently either on the outside or the in-house treadmill. Thanks to the minimal equipment requirements (just a good pair of shoes), jogging does not cost much for a professional coach’s supervision and the pricey technical competencies required by specific equipment.

It is worthwhile noting that though jogging is a prevalent sport, its direct effects on the vertical growth of an individual are minimal. Jogging itself cannot stimulate the elongation of bones or regulate the speed of the growth plate closure as genetics do.


Can Jogging Impact Height Growth Before Puberty Ends?

During puberty, jogging or any other form of exercise does not directly influence skeletal elongation among children and adolescents. Notably, height determination is not dependent on physical activity, but genetics are the primary factor in this stance for most of the children examined. Aside from genetics, nutrition, hormonal balance, and overall health are other main agents responsible for an individual’s ultimate height.

Indeed, jogging is proven to maintain bone density, consolidate muscles, and promote better posture.

Maintaining Bone Density

Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, stair climbing, Tai Chi, dancing, and so on, seem to have a positive impact on younger subjects when it comes to elevated bone mass, augmented bone thickness, and bone loss prevention due to aging [1].

Jogging, as same as other weight-bearing activities, puts stress on bones and stimulates them to grow stronger and denser. Improved bone density may hinder osteoporosis, diminish the risk of fractures, and refine overall health.

Strengthened Muscles

Jogging combines various groups of muscles throughout the body, specifically the lower parts, including the legs, core, and upper body, if arm movements are also incorporated into the process.

Regular jogging goes hand in hand with building muscular strength, which may provide stability for the skeletal system and better physical function. Additionally, having these muscles strengthened by jogging can mitigate the risk of possible injuries associated with various forms of movement during the growth phase.

Promoting Better Postural Change

As the targeted group of muscles in the back, abdomen, and pelvis is strengthened through jogging, they provide potent support to the spine functions. Explicitly, they help to maintain proper alignment and reduce strain not only on the spine but also on the surrounding structures.

In the long run, properly aligned musculoskeletal structure reduces unnecessary stress and distributes it more evenly on different parts of joints and muscles. This change serves as a relief for the excessively leveraged muscles that might cause localized pains in regions, such as the neck, lower back, and shoulders. Besides, a neutral spine position can’t help but reduce the risk of spinal misalignment as well as degenerative conditions, such as disc herniation.

Better posture can create an illusion of increased height by optimizing the spine. When you sit or stand with good posture, your spine is stretched alongside its natural curvature that allows your body to reach full height potential. On the other hand, slouching shoulders or poor pressure could compress the spine and slightly reduce the apparent height of a person.


Does Jogging Make You Taller After Puberty? Here’s the Truth

Growth Plates

During childhood and adolescence, growth plates are imperative in the bone elongation process. Within growth plates, cartilage cells actively divide and multiply which steers existing cartilage further away from the center of the bone. This newly made cartilage is then gradually converted into hardened bone tissue through the process of ossification.

Our puberty is partially influenced by sexual hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone. Systematically, these hormones signal the growth plate to slow down the formation of new cartilage. Afterward, as soon as the plate is signified, it starts to cease the production of new cells and eventually closes with the surrounding bone. By the age of 18, this fusion is complete for most people.

Once the growth plate closure takes place, bones are no longer able to increase vertical growth through natural growth processes. In other words, bones stop growing taller as a result. Therefore, nothing can reopen the growth plates and increase their stature after this point, regardless of jogging or any exercises.

In a Nutshell

Regular jogging during puberty can only contribute to the well-rounded development of individuals. Maintaining good health is very likely to generate favorable conditions for growing taller. In other words, jogging does not have any direct links with height increase. Despite that fact, it can bring out tremendous effects on overall wellness which are deemed to support vertical growth in the end.

Typically, jogging strengthens the functions of the heart and lungs which promotes a better cardiovascular system against potential diseases in the future. In addition, this aerobic workout helps burn calories and supports weight management throughout one’s life avoiding the risks of obesity and other related health issues. Besides,  an elevated immune system gained as a result of regular jogging could diminish the vulnerability to infections and illnesses

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