Can weightlifting stunt growth?

by   |   Jul 15, 2024

Exercise is inevitably good for everyone. But when it comes to certain activities, like weightlifting or resistance training, are they safe for teenagers? The short answer is yes; however, there are considerations to make these exercises helpful and effective. Keep reading to know what they are!

Can weightlifting stunt growth?

The thought that lifting weights might stunt growth has been a myth for years. Most parents worry that the strain of this activity might compress young and growing bones or hurt growth plates, resulting in stunted height.

Growth plates are vital for bone growth, especially during childhood and adolescence. And the fear that weightlifting might hurt these fragile structures starts from a misunderstanding of how the body reacts to physical stress. However, growth plates are not affected by this workout when done properly.

Practicing weight-bearing exercises, including weightlifting, is proven to promote bone health and density. It also reduces the danger of risk and supports overall physical development.

Another overlooked aspect is that weightlifting can help enhance growth hormone production. These hormones are, of course, necessary for growth and are naturally released by the body, as well as influenced by physical activities. Engaging in this workout has been shown to trigger the release of growth hormones, leading to muscle and bone growth.

Some research related to resistance exercises

A 2016 study published in Sports Endocrinology pointed out that weightlifting does not hinder your growth. In fact, this workout helps strengthen the skeleton and prevent injuries [1]. Another article showed that practicing muscle and bone-strengthening exercises for three days per week can help children stay at a healthy weight and gain confidence [2].

According to Psychology and Health, doing resistance exercises is a great way for overweight children to exercise willingly. The truth is that they lose more weight and gain confidence with this workout rather than practicing traditional cardio [3].

What benefits do teens get when lifting weights?

Physical benefits

One of the obvious benefits is muscle strength improvement if you regularly practice weightlifting. However, it might yield other health-related benefits, including:

  • Decreasing the risk of bone fractures and sports-related injuries
  • Increasing strength of bone and muscular
  • Promoting gross motor skills like coordination and fluidity of movements

Mental benefits

Lifting weights also helps improve positive body image, self-esteem, and overall confidence, making teens develop a healthy lifestyle [1]. Furthermore, research pointed out that weightlifting might help kids who suffer from anxiety or depression, and gain control over their mental health conditions [2].

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How to lift weight safely and effectively?

Start slow

There is no way your child can lift heavy weights in one day. This is a process, and they need to take it slow and build up gradually. They need to focus on the execution of the movement instead of the number on the dumbbell.

Start with the basics

The truth is if weightlifting is performed safely, with supervision, and is enjoyable, there is no wrong age to start. Normally, children will start with bodyweight exercises, such as body weight squats, modified push-ups, planks, and sit-ups. These resistance training are safe and do not require weights at first time.

Have proper supervision

If your children are interested in engaging in a strength training program, they need to be supervised by a certified personal trainer. It is a must because they can provide clear and safe guidance that can limit unexpected damages.

Do not expect much at first time

Avoid lifting weights if your goal is to increase muscle size. It is because when your kid can lift heavy weights due to strength training, it is often due to increased muscular performance rather than an increase in the size of the muscles.

Warm-up and cool down

It is necessary to warm up muscles with some light cardio and dynamic stretching. After lifting, cooling down with some static stretching should be done to decrease the risk of muscle soreness and injury.

So, what truly causes stunted growth?

Maternal issues

Having poor nutrition during pregnancy and lacking breast milk in the newborn baby might negatively affect their overall growth and development. Or, if women are underweight during pregnancy or suffer anemia often give birth to babies with growth issues. Even some avoid proper nutrition because they worry about running their body figures, leading to malnutrition and underdeveloped babies.


This is one of the most popular causes that might stunt growth in children worldwide. Lacking necessary nutrients (vitamin D, zinc, iron, protein, fats, carbohydrates, calories, etc.) in daily meals might result in a major growth deficit. Besides, improper milk formula, inadequate breast milk supply, or a child’s disinterest in eating are big issues for malnutrition-induced stunting.

Poor sanitation

Children are highly prone to infections because of their still-growing immune systems. This is why poor sanitation and bad hygiene in the house might affect their growth. For instance, a baby who suffers from periodic infections and diarrhea cannot grow normally. Even some might lose their appetite from disgust at the unhygienic environment.

Hormonal imbalance

Malfunctions in producing hormones and regulating glands might affect height and weight in children. Under normal circumstances, growth hormones help enhance the growth of body tissues. But if a child lacks this hormone, they will not be able to sustain a healthy growth rate.


Kids with hypothyroidism have an underactive thyroid gland. As you know, this type of gland is responsible for producing hormones that promote normal growth. So, an underactive thyroid might be the cause of stunted growth in your children.


Stunted growth or a short stature might be an inherited family trait. However, some babies might take over chromosomal abnormalities from their parents like Down, Turner, or Russell-Silver syndrome.

Psychological stressors

Adults or children who suffer some panic disorders or social phobias have lower growth hormone production. For instance, if kids grow up in households where their parents always argue, they will grow slowly. And if they continuously live in a stressful environment, they might lead to permanent stunting.

To sum up,

Now, it is clear that engaging in strength-training activities, including weightlifting, does not impact the growth and development of children and teenagers. Instead, these exercises might provide health benefits if done with proper guidance. However, it is necessary to be aware of the potential dangers related to this workout. Hence, following safety guidelines and prioritizing proper form is a must. As parents, you should look for the right program and environment to let your children start their athletic journey safely and effectively.

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